5 Tips to Keeping Skunks Out of Your Yard

Skunks are generally laid back and easy-going animals. In fact, a domesticated one can make for a great pet. Their presence in your neighborhood can be beneficial since skunks can help in getting rid of insects and rodent pests. However, wild skunks are a problem. Since they are not ‘desacked’ like their domesticated brethren, a wild skunk’s natural musk and defensive sprays make them a terror in any yard.

If you see any shallow holes or disturbed garbage around your house, then you might have a skunk problem. Sure, these indicators may sound pretty innocent. But if left unchecked, wild skunks can cause damage to your home, garden, and landscaping. They also leave a smell in your yard that is difficult to remove.

With that in mind, here are 5 tips that can help you keep wild skunks out of your yard:

Leave it to the Professionals

If you have skunks around your yard, it is important to call in the professionals like Pest Killed to handle the problem. That’s because you have to know what you’re doing in order to remove them safely. Otherwise, you might just end up getting sprayed.

5 Tips to Keeping Skunks Out of Your Yard

Also, it’s important to note that skunks are rarely active during the day. If you’re seeing one when it’s still light out, then the skunk may be very hungry. The other alternative is that the animal is rabid. So don’t try to remove it by yourself. Have a professional come in and do it for you.

Remove all Food Sources

Most wildlife is attracted onto private property by food. Keep this in mind when trying to remove all exposed food sources from your yard. Do this by keeping all pet food indoors and secure your garbage cans. If possible, keep your trash cans inside for the night. This will prevent their smell from attracting wild skunks to your home.

5 Tips to Keeping Skunks Out of Your Yard

And if you have fruit trees, make sure to remove all the fruit that has fallen from the trees. This is especially true for berries, nuts, or crabapples. As soon as the fruit ripens, pick them from your trees. Also, rake your yard as often as possible.

Get Rid of any Suitable Homes

A wandering skunk will look for an easily accessible place to make their home. After all, they don’t typically make their own shelter. Instead, they use dens that have been abandoned by other wild animals. So take time to look over your home or yard and get rid of anything that could be a skunk’s potential new home. This includes any bush piles, holes, or burrows.

5 Tips to Keeping Skunks Out of Your Yard

Also, seal any entrance points or holes that a skunk can use to hide. Block off access to your porch, deck, foundation, or under elevated houses. Do the same for any shed, barn, or poultry house. You can use plywood, fencing, or gravel to do this.

Use a Skunk Repellent

You could also DIY it and use a skunk repellent in combination with other methods. This could include anything from pepper spray to citrus peels and ammonia. You could also use predator urine – that is, from a fox or dog – to do the job. A topical application of skunk repellent to your grass will cut off the skunk’s food source.

5 Tips to Keeping Skunks Out of Your Yard

Install Bright Lights

Skunks are nocturnal by nature. So installing bright lights in your yard will act as an effective deterrent. In the long run, this is a cheap and easy way to keep your yard skunk-free.

The post 5 Tips to Keeping Skunks Out of Your Yard appeared first on YourAmazingPlaces.com.

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