The Best Castles in Every US State

In 1884 a Chicago architect called William Jenney designed the world’s first skyscraper. These giant steel towers would soon become synonymous with progress and modernity, and many still dominate skylines across the US. However, the US has its share of more traditional buildings that hark back to its European ancestry. You just need to know where to look. So HomeAdvisor went on a tour to find the best castles in every US state.

Chrismark Castle is a $4.1 million structure overlooking Lake Potter near Woodstock, Connecticut. It has everything you’d expect from a castle, including a moat and giant guard towers offering breathtaking views. This fairytale castle is a popular location for film production companies and photographers.

The Best Castles in Every US State

Delaware’s stand-out building is a little more austere-looking. Then again, this giant fort was built in 1859 to house Confederate prisoners. Iolani Barracks in Honolulu is a similar structure. The 19th-century army barracks housed the Hawain Royal Guard until they decided to overthrow the reigning monarch in 1893. It’s the only former royal palace standing on US soil.

The Best Castles in Every US State

Resting on a 50-acre estate near the Woodford County line, Kentucky Castle is truly epic. But tragedy struck in 2004 when wiring caught fire in the main building. Renovation work started a few weeks later and was finally complete in 2008. Kentucky Castle now has 12 luxury suites, a library, a swimming pool, and a basketball court. In 2010, the property was valued at a cool $30million. It currently operates as a luxury bed and breakfast and event space.

The Best Castles in Every US State

Named after the sword in the legendary tale of King Arthur, the Excalibur on the Las Vegas Strip was the biggest hotel in the world when it opened in 1990. Subsequent renovations removed much of the original medieval decor, but guests can still look forward to the Tournament of Kings. It’s a medieval jousting performance featuring dozens of horses and 32 cast members. Guests feast on a royal banquet served by costumed serfs. And in true medieval style, you have to eat with your hands!

The Best Castles in Every US State

For a more refined day out, take a trip to Doylestown, Pennsylvania. It’s home to Fonthill Castle, an elegant castle built by archaeologist Henry Chapman Mercer. The castle is filled with an extensive collection of artifacts, including stone tablets dating back to ancient Mesopotamia. You can see them all during one of the daily visitor tours.

The Best Castles in Every US State

Here’s a look at all the other castles across the USA.

The Best Castles in Every US State

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