How to Design Your Room To Get A Proper Night’s Rest

Sleep is one thing we once hated when we were younger but had in abundance, and it has now become a sought-after commodity, and it is quite rare to come by in adulthood. If we were to tell you it is because nowadays we are too stressed to fall asleep, there would be no doubt about that. What if we blamed it on insomnia, irregular sleeping schedules, and technology? It seems about right, doesn’t it?

However, the issues don’t stop there, as they can be in your very bedroom – everything from external stressors to an old mattress can affect the quality of your sleep. You’d be surprised to know that the solution is much simpler than you think.

Here’s everything you need to know about getting a proper night’s rest.

Eliminate Stressors

Because the problem is often in your bedroom, it only makes sense to fix the problem from there. The first thing you can do is to remove anything that you associate with work. If you work on your laptop, keep it outside. Papers and books? Don’t even think about bringing them in. If you have a TV installed in there, put it in the living room. The idea is to firmly set a boundary that defines your bedroom as a safe space away from technology, work and the daily stressors.

How to Design Your Room To Get A Proper Night's Rest

Gradually, your mind, just like your bedroom, will automatically throw out all work-related thoughts when you go to sleep. If you don’t believe it, think about your cheat days or the weekend. When you wake up on the weekend or a cheat day, is your first thought in the morning work-related?

To achieve such a space, you will have to scour your bedroom and see what stresses you out. You can have the choice to either throw it away completely or to find another place to store it. Even if it is a painting, a vase, or a little stain on the wall, remove it. With electronics, the challenge might be harder, but once you’ve set the boundary, you will thank yourself for sticking with it.

Reconsider Your Choice in Sleeping Apparatus

Since the dawn of time, we have always associated beds with bedrooms. Naturally, it makes sense, but what if you can’t spare the space? If you live in a small apartment, you might have to choose between a bed and a cluttered, overcrowded room, which is as counterintuitive as coffee at midnight. One creative solution is owning a sleep chair. In addition to it being a major space saver, as mentioned by, the sleep chair can improve sleep quality for people suffering from sleep apnea and back pain. A bad mattress is a very common reason for back pains. Instead of suffering in silence, and endangering your sleep quality, take a walk down to the nearest mattress store. Try out as many as you have to until you find the one. Remember that a good mattress today means better sleep for up to ten years.

How to Design Your Room To Get A Proper Night's Rest

Don’t Go With Red

If you don’t already know, colors affect us in the slightest of ways. Blue curbs your appetite, certain shades of violet invoke a sense of mystery, etc. Using this logic, which is based on intensive scientific research, as well as experiments in the field of sleep psychology, the color of your bedroom walls has a huge impact on how well you sleep.

How to Design Your Room To Get A Proper Night's Rest

For horrible sleep, you can go ahead and paint your room red or any other shade of the color. Because red increases the heart rate, it is the one color you should stay away from. Instead, opt for the scientifically approved cool colors. Dim, muted shades of blue, silver, cream, green, grey, and lilac have been shown to support a good night’s sleep.

The key is to keep the colors soft and soothing. If there is a specific color that you dislike or associate with a stressful memory, don’t go with it. While a certain color may be proven to promote good sleep, what is more, important is what your mind thinks of the color.

How to Design Your Room To Get A Proper Night's Rest

To put the matter to bed – pun intended, the restful sleep you have been looking for has always been within your reach. It is merely a matter of taking note of simple details when designing your bedroom. Keep the stress out and establish a safe space. Make sure your bed or sleep chair is comfortable enough. Finally, stick to the cool, calm colors because they keep your blood-pressure and heart-rate low. Now, it seems like you’ve got some work ahead of you to achieve a good night’s sleep.

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