Best Cities in Europe for Foodies Looking for an Adventure

Going on a culinary adventure when visiting a new destination or country is a great habit to get into, especially if you love travelling. Aside from the local attractions and the culture, there is a lot to learn from a city’s best dishes and most favourite restaurants.

For foodies, planning an entire trip around having a culinary adventure is as good as it gets. If you’re looking for the best destinations for your next big trip, here are the top cities in Europe to consider.

Best Cities in Europe for Foodies Looking for an Adventure


Berlin, Germany, is at the top of our list. The city is not only fascinating to visit due to its strong cultural and historic roots, but very appealing to foodies due to the vast number of restaurants you can now find around the city.

Best Cities in Europe for Foodies Looking for an Adventure

You will quickly notice just how lively the culinary scene in Berlin really is when you come across curry wurst. As you may have guessed from the name, the dish is a type of street food that combines sausage and curry. Berlin’s street food scene is what makes this city so fascinating to explore.

Best Cities in Europe for Foodies Looking for an Adventure

Berlin has something for everyone. If you’re more into trying the latest high-end restaurants, Hotel Adlon Kempinski will pamper you to the max. if you can spare a few extra days, you can also use the The Ultimate Foodie’s Guide Through Germany as your guide to enjoying the best dishes in Berlin and nearby cities.


London is another city on this list that may surprise you. While London isn’t really known for its culinary scene, it is actually home to some remarkable restaurants, cafés, and pubs that could the highlight of your next trip to the city.

Best Cities in Europe for Foodies Looking for an Adventure

Just like Berlin, London is very diverse. There is no type of cuisine you cannot find in this city. Berlin has its food markets and weekend breakfast and dessert markets, London has its late-night dishes and 24-hour restaurants.

Best Cities in Europe for Foodies Looking for an Adventure

The high-end culinary scene in London is not to be taken lightly either. There are more than 60 Michelin-starred restaurants in the city. You’ll never run out of options (and great dishes to try).

San Sebastian

It is difficult to talk about hot cities and destinations for foodies without talking about Spain’s San Sebastian. It is recognised by so many as the food capital of Europe, and for good reason too. Why? San Sebastian is home to more Michelin stars (per square meter) than anywhere else in the world aside from Kyoto.

Best Cities in Europe for Foodies Looking for an Adventure

Similar to the previous two cities, San Sebastian has a lot to offer. Michelin-starred restaurants are always exciting to explore, but the extensive choices you have here are too good to miss. Anything from classic Mediterranean dishes to the latest Asian fusion are yours to try.

Best Cities in Europe for Foodies Looking for an Adventure

The city is home to several delightful coffee shops and bars. After sampling the food, a relaxing cup of coffee or some drinks before ending the evening is never too difficult to find. Before you know it, you are deep in San Sebastian’s spell and you’ll love this city as much as other foodies who have been here.

Are there any other must-visit destinations on your list?  Let us know in the comments.

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