5 Tips to Waterproofing your Basement

Because basements are located below the earths surface where rainwater flows, it is considered to be the most vulnerable part of our home when it comes to water leakage or worse, flooding. Seeing a pool of water in the basement is not just the only indication that your basement is not completely safe from water leakage. Some of the first signs that your basement already needs waterproofing are damp areas on the floors and walls, mold growth, peeling paint, musty odor, and condensation on the surfaces. A flooding or leaking basement does not only damage your furniture and other properties, but it can also pose a health risk and make this part of your home unattractive.

Don’t wait until disaster strikes and it gets too late for you to save your basement from water damage. If you haven’t checked your basement’s condition in a while, it is now the best time for you to start considering taking some waterproofing measures. Here are five tips to keep water leakage and flooding from your basement. For a hassle-free way to protect your home, hire only the experts from the best basement waterproofing company in NJ.

Inspect damaged water pipes in the area.

While surface water runoff from rains is the most common cause of basement leakage and flooding, faulty water pipes near the area can also bring unwanted water into the area. Make sure that you regularly check adjacent water pipes and you repair the cracks and loose connections as soon as possible.

5 Tips to Waterproofing your Basement

Move plants away from your basement.

Landscaping should always be planned before constructing homes with basement units. Trees, shrubs, and other plants that grow extensive roots should be placed at least half a meter away from the walls and foundation of your home. Plant roots, especially those of woody types, can penetrate your home’s structure causing small cracks that can create larger consequences in the future.

5 Tips to Waterproofing your Basement

Check your gutters regularly.

Rain gutters and downspouts are made to collect water from the roofs and divert them away from the foundations of your home. But over time, these structures can get damaged or become clogged with dried leaves and other objects. Make sure to check your gutters every once in a while to keep flowing water from entering your basement.

5 Tips to Waterproofing your Basement

Apply sealants and waterproof coating.

The most common way that water can get into your basement is through the cracks, holes, and other damages on the floors and walls. Apply sealants and waterproof coating on the cracks as soon as possible before they even get worse. These can also help prevent condensation and moisture from getting inside the basement.

5 Tips to Waterproofing your Basement

Install sump pumps to flush the water out.

If the problem persists and gets a little bit out of hand, you can always use a sump pump to keep the water out. This equipment works by automatically detecting and collecting water from your basement and then moving them out of your home. Always perform a maintenance check to ensure that your sump pump is in a good working condition.


The post 5 Tips to Waterproofing your Basement appeared first on YourAmazingPlaces.com.

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