How to turn your Passion for Travel into a Lifelong Career

Most people see ‘work’ and ‘passion’ as two mutually exclusive fields. They scoff at the very idea of merging the two together. Well, these are the same people who do not yield desirable results for their company and are unproductive and ineffective, because they hate their jobs. A job that is devoid of passion is not worth doing. You can never create a lucrative career out of it. Fortunately enough, in today’s digital world there are ample opportunities for people to follow their passion and create a long-term career out of it. The highest in the list of opportunities that merge perfectly well with passion is the travel career. This is supported by the fact that the travel industry accounts for up to 9.8% of the world’s GDP. This means that if traveling is the love of your life; you’re in for a good ride!

Here are a few ways in which you can turn your passion for travel into a lifelong career.

Travel Blogging/Writing

Travel writing or blogging is perhaps the most famous of all the travel career options. It is independent of any constraints and gives you the liberty to honestly express yourself in your write-up — as that is exactly what the readers want. They want the dirty pictures as much as they want aesthetical landscapes. All in all, the readers want drama(like always,) and travel bloggers can provide them that. If you have a flair for writing, and love for traveling you can start your own independent blog or website and start creating travel content for it. It’s as simple as that. Although the blog may take some time to boost off and become a credible source of income, when it does take off, it will fly high. Just like your dreams.

Travel videographer

In the recent past, many travel vloggers have exploded the YouTube space. All they do is —  travel and record their journey on a video camera. Then, they edit the video, add commentary to it (pretty much in the old-world documentary style; but much more casual,), and release it on YouTube. Then, the views start flowing in; people start commenting, the vlogger starts interacting with the folks, creates a fan base — And Boom! An overnight celebrity is created. That’s how fast travel vlogging has grown as a career option. All you need to become a travel videographer is the ability to travel to the farther corners of the world. Live in extreme conditions and film your experiences. That’s it!

Oversees Teacher

English is one of the widest spoken languages in the world, and English teachers are in great demand. Mane countries speak English as their second language, and those countries are calling English speakers such as you to live in the country for a year and get paid for it. It’s a fairly easy career choice if teaching is not a big deal for you. You get to live in a different country each year, and really delve into the nuances of their culture. All you need to become an overseas English teacher is a majors’ degree in English Literature and an ESL certificate.

Final thoughts

As a traveler in today’s world, you have many opportunities you can explore if you want a truly fruitful travel career. Use the above-mentioned ideas to leverage your passion for traveling and translate it into a lifelong career.


Adela Belin is a traveller, a private educator and a writer at Writers Per Hour. She shares her teaching experience with colleagues, students, and writers. Feel free to contact Adela on G+.

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